Earth sciences -- Research -- Australia : Towards 2005 : a prospectus for research and research training in the Australian earth sciences / prepared by a working party for the Australian Geoscience Council
Earth sciences -- Research -- United States -- Congresses : Continuity of NASA earth observations from space : a value framework / Committee on a Framework for Analyzing the Needs for Continuity of NASA-Sustained Remote Sensing Observations of the Earth from Space, Space Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Earth Sciences SCIENCE Meteorolgy & Climatology : Météorologie de l'Afrique de l'Ouest tropicale : Le manuel du prévisionniste / édité par Douglas J. Parker, Marianne Diop-Kane, Jean-Philippe Lafore
Earth Sciences -- statistics & numerical data : Evolution inclusions and variation inequalities for earth data processing. III, Long-time behavior of evolution inclusions solutions in earth data analysis / by Mikhail Z. Zgurovsky [and others]
Earth sciences -- Study and teaching -- Australia. : Towards 2005 : a prospectus for research and research training in the Australian earth sciences / prepared by a working party for the Australian Geoscience Council
Earth sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Data processing : Integrating Macrostrat and Rockd into undergraduate earth science teaching / Phoebe A. Cohen, Williams College ; Rowan Lockwood, College of William and Mary ; Shanan Peters, University of Wisconsin Madison