Drugs -- Testing -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Congresses : Characterizing and Communicating Uncertainty in the Assessment of Benefits and Risks of Pharmaceutical Products : workshop summary / Denise Caruso, Rebecca A. English, and Anne B. Claiborne, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Drugs -- Testing -- Research -- Case studies. : Challenges in Building, Funding, and Conducting a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Aspirin for Treating Venous Leg Ulcers / Jull
Drugs -- Toxicology -- Study and teaching. : Student note-taking guide to accompany drugs and society, 8th ed. / Glen R. Hanson, Peter J. Venturelli, Annette E. Fleckenstein
drugs -- trade -- Africa. : The invisible tide : towards and international strategy to deal with drug trafficking through West Africa / James Cockayne and Phil Williams
A traditional grouping of drugs said to have a soothing or calming effect on mood, thought, or behavior. Included here are the ANTI-ANXIETY AGENTS (minor tranquilizers), ANTIMANIC AGENTS, and the ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS (major tranquilizers). These drugs act by different mechanisms and are used for different therapeutic purposes
A traditional grouping of drugs said to have a soothing or calming effect on mood, thought, or behavior. Included here are the ANTI-ANXIETY AGENTS (minor tranquilizers), ANTIMANIC AGENTS, and the ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS (major tranquilizers). These drugs act by different mechanisms and are used for different therapeutic purposes
Drugs<U+0009> -- Design : Principles of Biomedical Sciences and Industry Translating Ideas into Treatments