Drug use Foster children : Reaching teens. Strength-based communication strategies to build resilience and support healthy adolescent development. 64.3, Being attentive to the proper (and improper) use of psychotropic medicine in foster care youth. Chaffee. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics
Drug use Gay men : Gay men and substance abuse : a basic guide for addicts and those who care for them / Michael Shelton
Drug use Hispanic Americans : Something's in the air : race, crime, and the legalization of marijuana / edited by Katherine Tate, James Lance Taylor, and Mark Q. Sawyer
Drug use HIV-positive youth : Reaching teens. Wisdom from adolescent medicine. 65.9, Helping youth living with HIV manage their medications. Reirden, Dowshen, Arrington-Sanders, Garofalo. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics
Drug use Homeless persons Research Case studies : Homelessness, addictions and mental health in a northern, rural context : using mixed research methods in a community-based research design to identify gaps in services / Michael G. Young
Drug use Homeless youth : Reaching teens. Strength-based communication strategies to build resilience and support healthy adolescent development. 66.18, Testimony from youth with a history of unstable housing : don't assume we are drug addicted ... but do understand why we might use drugs. Youth. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics
Drug use Indigenous peoples Canada : Journey to healing : Aboriginal people with addiction and mental health issues : what health, social service and justice workers need to know / edited by Peter Menzies and Lynn F. Lavallée ; foreword by Elder Vern Harper
Drug use Innu Indians : Truth and reconciliation. Journal d'un sevrage / Le Wapikoni mobile présente ; un film de Marie-Pascale Michel
Here are entered works on the use of therapeutic drugs as reported by government agencies, hospitals, physicians and drug firms --subdivision Drug use under names of individual persons, and under classes of persons and ethnic groups