Drug Development -- methods : In silico drug design : repurposing techniques and methodologies / edited by Kunal Roy
Drug development -- Moral and ethical aspects : Ethical innovation for global health : pandemic, democracy and ethics in research / Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, Ames Dhai, editors
Drug development -- Research -- Methodology : Translational research methods for diabetes, obesity, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : a focus on early phase clinical drug development / editors, Andrew J. Krentz, Christian Weyer and Marcus Hompes
Drug development -- Simulation methods : Biosimulation in biomedical research, health care and drug development / Erik Mosekilde, Olga Sosnovtseva, Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, editors
Drug Development -- standards : Principles of parenteral solution validation : a practical lifecycle approach / edited by Igor Gorsky, Harold S. Baseman
Drug development -- Technological innovations -- United States : Advancing the discipline of regulatory science for medical product development : an update on progress and a forward-looking agenda : workshop summary / Morgan L. Boname, Amanda Wagner Gee, and Anne B. Claiborne, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Drug Discovery -- Congresses -- United States : Transforming clinical research in the United States : challenges and opportunities : workshop summary / Rebecca A. English, Yeanwoo Lebovitz, and Robert B. Giffin, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Drug Discovery -- ethics. : Treating dementia : do we have a pill for it? / edited by Jesse F. Ballenger ... [and others]
Drug Discovery -- Guideline -- United States : Priorities for the national vaccine plan / Committee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine
Drug Discovery -- United States -- Guideline : Priorities for the national vaccine plan / Committee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient