Drug Discovery -- Congresses -- United States : Transforming clinical research in the United States : challenges and opportunities : workshop summary / Rebecca A. English, Yeanwoo Lebovitz, and Robert B. Giffin, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Drug Discovery -- ethics. : Treating dementia : do we have a pill for it? / edited by Jesse F. Ballenger ... [and others]
Drug Discovery -- Guideline -- United States : Priorities for the national vaccine plan / Committee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine
Drug Discovery -- United States -- Guideline : Priorities for the national vaccine plan / Committee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient
--subdivision Effectiveness under individual drugs and groups of drugs and subdivision Therapeutic use--Effectiveness under individual chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Insulin--Therapeutic use--Effectiveness; Analgesics--Effectiveness
drug effects AMP-Activated Protein Kinases : AMPK-S6K1 signaling pathway as a target for treating hepatic insulin resistance / Sang Geon Kim, Il Je Cho, and Hee Yeon Kay
drug effects Behavior, Animal : Oxytocin, vasopressin, and related peptides in the regulation of behavior / edited by Elena Choleris, Donald W. Pfaff, Martin Kavaliers