Dough -- Analysis. : Spontaneous yeast : formulas, directions, pure culture, cause and cure of "rope", sourness, excess acidity, dough heats, etc. / by Frank B. Withers
Dough -- Composition. : Play School: Five Senses 09/11/2016 / / Director: Munro, Ian
Dougherty, Mary, 1969- : Life in a northern town : cooking, eating, and other adventures along Lake Superior / Mary Dougherty
Dougherty, Mary, 1969- -- Family : Life in a northern town : cooking, eating, and other adventures along Lake Superior / Mary Dougherty
Dougherty, Mary Pearl : Contemporary Black biography. Volume 47 : profiles from the international Black community / Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, editors
Dougherty, Patrick, 1945- -- Exhibitions : Patrick Dougherty : twisted logic / presented by Grounds for Sculpture ; produced by BG & V Productions ; Patrick Dougherty ; Rich Butterfoss, producer
Doughty, William, -1769 : The proceedings on His Majesty's Commission of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the High Court of Admiralty of England : held at Justice-Hall in the Old Bailey : on Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th of December, 1770 : before the Right Worshipful Sir Thomas Salusbury, Knt. LL. D., judge of the High Court of Admiralty of England, the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Parker, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. one of the justices of His Majesty's Court of King's-Bench, and others His Majesty's commissioners