Front Matter; Contents; Abbreviations; Preface; Chapter 1: IntroductIon; Chapter 2: Area B; Chapter 3: Area C; Chapter 4: Area D; Chapter 5: The Finds from Area D; Chapter 6: The Non-Metallic Jewelry; A Faience Amulet of an Egyptian Deity; Chapter 7: Ten Additiona ScarabS and Stamp Seals; Chapter 8: A Financial or Commercial Document; Chapter 9: The Glass Finds; Chapter 10: The Coins; Chapter 11: A Reexamination of Human Skeletal Remains; Chapter 12: Mortuary Faunal Remains; Chapter 13: Shells from AreaS B and D; Chapter 14: Burial Customs at Azor during Iron Age IB-IIa; References
Appendix I: Index of Contexts in Area DAppendix II: Inventory of Graves in area D; Iaa Reports
The Azor Cemetery. From the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age