Doping in sports -- Problems, exercises, etc. : Drugs in sport isn't just about streoids : a collection of ideas for the discussion of the drugs in sport issue with secondary school students / [Julie Kempnich ... [and others]]
Doping in Sports -- psychology : Gym culture, identity and performance-enhancing drugs : tracing a typology of steroid use / Ask Vest Christiansen ; translated from the Danish by Heidi Flegal
Doping in sports -- Study and teaching (Secondary) : Drugs in sport isn't just about streoids : a collection of ideas for the discussion of the drugs in sport issue with secondary school students / [Julie Kempnich ... [and others]]
Doppelstern : Evolutionary processes in binary and multiple stars / Peter Eggleton
Doppelverdienerhaushalt : Handbook of work-family integration : research, theory, and best practices / edited by Karen Korabik, Donna S. Lero and Denise L. Whitehead
Doppelwirkung : Double-effect reasoning : doing good and avoiding evil / T.A. Cavanaugh
Doppler couleur, Échographie. : Color doppler US of the penis / M. Bertolotto (ed.) ; with contributions by C. Acampora [and others] ; foreword by A.L. Baert
Ultrasonography applying the Doppler effect combined with real-time imaging. The real-time image is created by rapid movement of the ultrasound beam. A powerful advantage of this technique is the ability to estimate the velocity of flow from the Doppler shift frequency
A method of non-invasive, continuous measurement of MICROCIRCULATION. The technique is based on the values of the DOPPLER EFFECT of low-power laser light scattered randomly by static structures and moving tissue particulates