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Title The Pitted Ware culture on Djursland : supra-regional significance and contacts in the Middle Neolithic of southern Scandinavia / edited by Lutz Klassen
Published Aarhus N : Aarhus University Press, [2020]


Description 1 online resource
Series East Jutland Museum publications ; 5
East Jutland Museum publications ; 5.
Contents Cover -- Title Page -- Colophon -- Contents -- Preface -- The Pitted Ware Phenomenon on Djursland and Maritime Relations across the Kattegat in the Middle Neolithic: An introduction (Lutz Klassen, Rune Iversen & -- Lisbeth Wincentz) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Pitted Ware tradition in Denmark: status of research, research questions and hypotheses -- 3 The Djursland peninsula -- 4 The CONTACT project -- 5 References -- Kainsbakke and Kirial Bro: The two main sites of the Pitted Ware culture on Djursland (Lisbeth Wincentz) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Kainsbakke -- 2.1 Landscape and topography -- 2.2 Investigation history and settlement size -- 2.3 Archaeological investigations -- 2.4 The finds -- 2.5 Absolute dating -- 2.6 Subsistence economy -- 2.7 Kainsbakke: Concluding remarks -- 3 Kirial Bro -- 3.1 Investigation history -- 3.2 Topography -- 3.3 Archaeological investigation in 1988 -- 3.4 Finds -- 3.5 Absolute dating -- 3.6 Subsistence economy -- 3.7 Kirial Bro: Concluding remarks -- 4 References -- Four minor Pitted Ware culture sites on Djursland: Their individual character and function (Uffe Rasmussen) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Hunting, fishing and flint exploita-tion in Gjerrild Bay -- Musefælden and Neden Skiden Enge -- 2.1 The landscape at Gjerrild Bay -- 2.2 Musefælden -- 2.3 Neden Skiden Enge A1 -- 2.4 Flint resources in northeastern Djursland -- 3 Elevated sites with ritual pits -- Ginnerup and Skærvad -- 3.1 The landscape of Kolindsund -- 3.2 Ginnerup -- 3.3 Skærvad -- 4 References -- Pitted Ware culture settlement on Djursland: Overview and interpretation (Uffe Rasmussen, Lisbeth Wincentz, Lutz Klassen & -- Ole B. Poulsen) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Source-critical considerations -- 3 The two main clusters of PWC sites on Djursland -- 4 Areas of temporary or seasonal PWC activity -- 5 PWC inland activity -- 6 Northwestern Djursland
7 Pitted Ware culture grave finds? -- 8 Conclusion -- 9 References -- The Pitted Ware culture chronology on Djursland: New evidence from Kainsbakke and other sites (Bente Philippsen, Rune Iversen & -- Lutz Klassen) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 14C-dated sites and their contexts -- 2.1 Ginnerup -- 2.2 Kirial Bro -- 2.3 Kainsbakke -- 2.4 Ajstrup Krat -- 2.5 Selbjerg -- 3 Conclusion -- 4 References -- Herder-hunter-fishers and agricultural contacts: Zooarchaeological perspectives on Pitted Ware animal exploitation strategies from Djursland (Cheryl A. Makarewicz & -- Sarah Pleuger) -- 1 Introduction -- 1.2 The PWC site of Kainsbakke -- 2 Zooarchaeological methods -- 2.1 Survivorship -- 2.2 Biometrics -- 2.3 Skeletal element/part representation -- 2.4 Taphonomy -- 3 Kainsbakke results -- 3.1 Taxonomic and skeletal elementbreakdown by pit feature -- 3.2 Bos spp. -- 3.3 Sus scrofa -- 3.4 Ovis aries and Capra hircus -- 3.5 Cervus elaphus -- 3.6 Alces alces -- 3.7 Pinnipeds -- 3.8 Ursus arctos -- 3.9 Capreolus capreolus -- 3.10 Equus ferus -- 3.11 Other taxa -- 3.12 Fish -- 3.13 Invertebrate remains -- 3.14 Birds -- 4 Taphonomic analyses of the Kainsbakke faunal assemblage -- 4.1 Bone marrow extraction and trampling -- 4.2 Weathering data -- 4.3 Skeletal element distribution -- 5 Kirial Bro: Zooarchaeological analyses -- 6 Ginnerup: Zooarchaeologicalanalyses -- 7 Conclusions -- 8 References -- Appendices -- Appendix A -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- Appendix D -- Appendix E -- Exploitation of marine fish byPitted Ware groups at Kainsbakkeand Kirial Bro (Sarah Pleuger & -- Cheryl A. Makarewicz) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Marine environments in the Kattegat -- 3 Methods: Material recovery and faunal analysis -- 4 Results -- 5 Distribution of skeletal elements -- 6 Carbon and nitrogen isotopeanalyses of the fish remains from Kainsbakke
6.1 Carbon isotopes in marine environments -- 6.2 Nitrogen isotopes in marine environments -- 6.3 Methods -- 6.4 Stable isotope analysis: Results -- 7 Discussion -- 7.1 Seasonality of fishing activities at Kainsbakke and Kirial Bro -- 7.2 Fishing activities at Kainsbakke and Kirial Bro -- location and technology -- 7.3 The significance of fishing for the subsistence of PWC people on Djursland -- 8 References -- Agriculture during the Pitted Wareculture in the Kattegat region? (Marianne H. Andreasen) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Previous evidence of PWC agriculture -- 2.1 Indirect evidence -- 2.2 Direct evidence -- 3 Carbonised cereal grains from PWC contexts -- 3.1 Western Sweden -- 3.2 Kainsbakke (DJM 1900) -- 3.3 Kirial Bro (DJM 1930) -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- 6 References -- Provenancing Neolithic pottery: An investigation of the elemental composition of Pitted Ware and Funnel Beaker pottery from Djursland and adjacent regions (Malou Blank, Torbjörn Brorsson & -- Imelda Bakunic Fridén) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Pottery and sites -- 3 Pottery analysis and statistics -- 4 Results and discussion: The elemental composition of pottery from Djursland and adjacent regions -- 4.1 The elemental composition of TRB andPWC pottery -- 4.2 Inter-regional variations in the elemental composition of Neolithic pottery -- 4.3 Elemental composition of pottery compared between sites -- 4.4 Techniques, recipes and materials employed in pottery production in eastern Jutland -- 5 Conclusions -- 6 References -- Appendix -- Strontium and lead isotope studies of faunal and human remains from Kainsbakke and Kirial Bro (Lutz Klassen, T. Douglas Price, Karl-Göran Sjögren, Lisbeth Wincentz & -- Bente Philippsen) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Sr isotope provenancing -- 2.1 Principles of Sr isotope analysis -- 2.2 Sr isotope baselines -- 3 Bears, Eurasian elk/elks and a human
3.1 The human from Kainsbakke -- 3.2 Eurasian elks from Kainsbakke -- 3.3 Brown bears from Kainsbakke -- 4 The origin of non-local animals -- 4.1 Brown bear and Eurasian elk -- 4.2 Red deer and cattle -- 5 Pb (lead) isotope analysis -- 6 Summary and conclusion -- 7 References -- Genetic sex and haplogroup identification of the Pitted Ware culture human upper jaw from Kainsbakke, Denmark (Morten E. Allentoft) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 DNA extraction, librarypreparation and sequencing -- 3 Bioinformatics -- 4 Molecular authenticity -- 5 Mitochondrial haplogroup and sex determination -- 6 Conclusion -- 7 References -- The Pitted Ware culture on Djursland inthe Neolithic world (Lutz Klassen, Rune Iversen, Niels Nørkjær Johannsen, Uffe Rasmussen & -- Ole B. Poulsen) -- 1 The identity of the Pitted Ware culture on Djursland -- 1.1 Material culture -- 1.2 Economy -- 1.3 Settlement and land-use -- 1.4 Ritual activities and graves -- 1.5 Genetic information -- 1.6 Appearances and reality: The nature of the PWC group on Djursland -- 2 Why Kainsbakke? The site and its surroundings in the late Early and early Middle Neolithic -- 2.1 The landscape setting of the Kainsbakke site -- 2.2 A TRB ritual superstructure -- 2.3 A TRB depositional landscape -- 2.4 Parallels to the ritual structures and sites around Kainsbakke -- 2.5 The flint resources of northeastern Djursland and their importance for the Kainsbakke site -- 3 Kainsbakke and the Pitted Ware culture on Djursland in a wider geographical context -- 3.1 The emergence of the Pitted Ware culture on Djursland -- 3.2 The major deposition in pit A47 and the end of the Pitted Ware culture on Djursland -- 4 References
Summary Between ca. 3000 and 2800 BC, the Pitted Ware Culture of northeast European descent spread to the northeastern parts of Denmark. Here, by far the best archaeological evidence is known from the Djursland peninsula in eastern Jutland. This volume presents 12 individual papers that present the available finds from the key site of Kainsbakke as well as number of other excavated and not excavates sites. Besides artefacts, the faunal and botanical remains are dealt with in a comprehensive matter. Several papers are devoted to scientific analyses of chronology as well as the provenance of artefacts and selected faunal remains. On this basis, the Pitted Ware culture in Djursland is interpreted as a group that emerged locally from Funnel Beaker culture predecessors. This group choose to distinguish itself from its Funnel Beaker neighbours by giving itself a unique identity. This identity can be understood as a combination of Pitted Ware traits in material culture and ritual conduct obtained through close contact with Neolithic groups on the west coast of Sweden with elements derived from contemporaneous Funnel Beaker groups in other parts of Denmark
Subject Excavations (Archaeology) -- Denmark -- Djursland Peninsula
Pitted Ware culture -- Denmark -- Djursland Peninsula
Neolithic period -- Denmark -- Djursland Peninsula
Excavations (Archaeology)
Neolithic period
Pitted Ware culture
Djursland Peninsula (Denmark) -- Antiquities
Denmark -- Djursland Peninsula
Form Electronic book
Author Klassen, Lutz, editor
ISBN 9788772191713