Diplomatic protests. : This is not a burial, it's a resurrection / Urucu, Memento Films International Label and La Biennale de Venzia present ; produced by Cait Pansegrouw, Elias Ribeiro ; cinematography by Pierre De Villiers ; score Composed by Yu Miyashita ; written and directed by Lmonhang Jeremiah Mosese
Diplomatic protests -- Drama : This is not a burial, it's a resurrection / Urucu, Memento Films International Label and La Biennale de Venzia present ; produced by Cait Pansegrouw, Elias Ribeiro ; cinematography by Pierre De Villiers ; score Composed by Yu Miyashita ; written and directed by Lmonhang Jeremiah Mosese
diplomatic protocol : An expert's guide to international protocol : best practices in diplomatic and corporate relations / Gilbert Monod de Froideville and Mark Verheul
Diplomatics -- Byzantine Empire -- History : Diplomatics in the eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication / edited by Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani and Christopher D. Schnabel
Diplomatics, Cuneiform. : Writing, law, and kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia / Dominique Charpin ; translated by Jane Marie Todd
Diplomatics -- Cyprus -- History : Diplomatics in the eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication / edited by Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani and Christopher D. Schnabel
Diplomatics, Latin : Verzeichnis der in den Supplikenregistern der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen und Orte des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) / bearbeitet von Ludwig Schmugge ; unter Mitarbeit von Alessandra Mosciatti
Diplomatics, Latin -- Congresses : Verzeichnis der in den Supplikenregistern der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen und Orte des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) / bearbeitet von Ludwig Schmugge ; unter Mitarbeit von Alessandra Mosciatti
Diplomatics -- Latin Orient -- History : Diplomatics in the eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication / edited by Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani and Christopher D. Schnabel
Diplomatie -- Cas, Études de. : Double-edged diplomacy : international bargaining and domestic politics / edited by Peter B. Evans, Harold K. Jacobson, Robert D. Putnam
Diplomatie -- éthique. : Scorecard diplomacy : grading states to influence their reputation and behavior / Judith G. Kelley
diplomatiska förbindelser Afrika Indien : The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / edited by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi
diplomatiska förbindelser Afrika Kina : The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / edited by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi