Diaries Lesbians England Halifax : The real Anne Lister / with Sue Perkins ; filmed, produced & directed by Matthew Hill ; an Oxford Film and Television production
Diaries Lester, Adrian : Adrian Lester and Lolita Chakrabarti a working diary / Adrian Lester, Lolita Chakrabarti
Diaries Lester, Edward, 1861-1938 : Guarding the goldfields : the story of the Yukon Field Force / [introduced and edited] by Brereton Greenhous ; maps by William R. Constable
Diaries Li, Jiubiao, -approximately 1647 : Kouduo richao : Li Jiubiao's Diary of oral admonitions : a late Ming Christian journal. Volume 2 translated, with introduction and notes by Erik Zürcher
Diaries Librarians England : A Critical Edition of the Private Diaries of Robert Proctor : the Life of a Librarian at the British Museum
Diaries Lieutenant governors England : A Lord Lieutenant in wartime : the experiences of the Fourth Earl Fortescue during the First World War / edited by Richard Batten
Diaries Light, William, 1785?-1839 : William Light's Brief journal and Australian diaries / with an introduction and notes by David Elder
Diaries Light, William (1786-1839) : William Light's Brief journal and Australian diaries / with an introduction and notes by David Elder
Diaries Linton, J S (John Stewart), 1890-1948 : A soldier's tale : one man's war, 16 February 1916 -12th June 1919 : the diary of Sergeant J.S. Linton, no. 29543, 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, Australian Imperial Forces / edited by John Stewart Linton (11)
Diaries Liston, Henrietta, Lady, 1751-1828 : Henrietta Liston's travels : the Turkish journals, 1812-1820 / edited by Patrick Hart, Valerie Kennedy and Dora Petherbridge ; associate editor, F. Özden Mercan
Diaries Lorton, William B, 1828-1892 : Troubadour on the Road to Gold : William B. Lorton's 1849 Journal to California / edited by LeRoy Johnson and Jean Johnson ; with a foreword by Richard Saunders
Diaries Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 : The suppressed memoirs of Mabel Dodge Luhan : sex, syphilis, and psychoanalysis in the making of modern American culture / edited by Lois Palken Rudnick
Diaries Luther, Ernest William : Teddy Luther's war : the diary of a German-American in an Irish-Boer commando / edited with a commentary by Donal P. McCracken
Diaries Lyman, Stanley David, 1913-1979 : Wounded Knee 1973 : a personal account / by Stanley David Lyman ; edited by Floyd A. O'Neil, June K. Lyman & Susan McKay ; foreword by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr
Diaries Lyster, Henry : AMONG THE OTTOMANS : Diaries from Turkey in World War I / Edited By Ian Lyster
Diaries Mackintosh, A L A (Aeneas Lionel Acton), 1879-1916 : Shackleton's lieutenant : the Nimrod diary of A.L.A. Mackintosh, British Antarctic Expedition, 1907-09 / edited by Stanley Newman ; associate editor, Richard McElrea ; research and maps, David Harrowfield
Diaries MacLeod, Normand, approximately 1731-1796 : Detroit to Fort Sackville, 1778-1779 : the Journal of Normand MacLeod / edited with an introd. by William A. Evans, with the assistance of Elizabeth S. Sklar ; foreword by Alice C. Dalligan