Dialectes Maya (langue) Yucatán (péninsule) : A dictionary of the Maya language : as spoken in Hocabá, Yucatán / Victoria R. Bricker, Eleuterio Poòt Yah, Ofelia Dzul de Poòt ; with a botanical index by Anne S. Bradburn
Here are entered works on logic in general, deductive logic, and deductive and inductive logic combined. Works on inductive logic are entered under Induction (Logic)
Dialectic -- Psychological aspects : Guided enactments in psychoanalytic psychotherapy : a new look at therapy with adults and children / Sebastiano Santostefano
Dialectical materialism -- Congresses. : Marxism, revolution, and peace : from the proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism / edited by Howard L. Parsons and John Somerville
Dialectical materials : Dialogues on the philosophy of Marxism, from the proceedings of the Society for the Philosophical Study of Dialectical Materialism. / Edited by John Somerville and Howard L. Parsons