Procedures for finding the mathematical function which best describes the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. In linear regression (see LINEAR MODELS) the relationship is constrained to be a straight line and LEAST-SQUARES ANALYSIS is used to determine the best fit. In logistic regression (see LOGISTIC MODELS) the dependent variable is qualitative rather than continuously variable and LIKELIHOOD FUNCTIONS are used to find the best relationship. In multiple regression, the dependent variable is considered to depend on more than a single independent variable
diagnotis Patellofemoral Joint : The patellofemoral joint : a case-based approach / Jason L. Koh, Ryosuke Kuroda, João Espregueira-Mendes, Alberto Gobbi, editors
Diagoras (Of Melos) : BeitrÄnge zur Altertumskunde : Diagoras of Melos : A Contribution to the History of Ancient Atheism
Diagosis Diabetes : Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in primary care : a practical guide / L. Steven Levene
Diagosis Non-insulin-dependent diabetes : Managing type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care : a practical guide / L. Steven Levene and Richard Donnelly ; foreword by Richard Hobbs
Diagramas de flujo : Flow of funds analysis : innovation and development / Nan Zhang
Diagrames. : When form becomes substance : power of gestures, diagrammatical intuition and phenomenology of space / Luciano Boi, Carlos Lobo, editors
Here are entered works on the creation and use of charts and diagrams as well as general collections not limited to any field --subdivision Charts, diagrams, etc. under topical headings for works consisting of miscellaneous charts or diagrams illustrating those topics
Diagraphies. : Core-log integration / edited by P.K. Harvey and M.A. Lovell
Diairies Generals Great Britain : General Gordon's last journal : a facsimile of the last of the six volumes of journals dispatched by General Gordon before the fall of Kartoum
Diairies Great Britain Army Officers : General Gordon's last journal : a facsimile of the last of the six volumes of journals dispatched by General Gordon before the fall of Kartoum
Diakit, ̌ Baba Wagu.̌ : Something about the author. Volume 174 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Diakit, ̌ Penda : Something about the author. Volume 174 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Diakiv-Hornovyi, Osyp, 1921-1950 : The USSR unmasked : a collection of articles and essays on Soviet Russian repression in Ukraine / by Osyp Diakiv-Hornovy ; with an introduction by Petro Mirchuk ; [translated from the Ukrainian by Walter Dushnyck] and My memories of Osyp Diakiv-Hornovy by Vasyl Diakiv
Di͡akiv, Osyp, 1921-1950. : The USSR unmasked : a collection of articles and essays on Soviet Russian repression in Ukraine / by Osyp Diakiv-Hornovy ; with an introduction by Petro Mirchuk ; [translated from the Ukrainian by Walter Dushnyck] and My memories of Osyp Diakiv-Hornovy by Vasyl Diakiv
Diakoner -- historia. : A companion to priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages / edited by Greg Peters, C. Colt Anderson