Descartes, René, 1596-1650 -- Science : Descartes and Cartesianism : essays in honour of Desmond Clarke / edited by Stephen Gaukroger and Catherine Wilson
Descaves, Lucien, 1861-1949. Emmurés : Les aveugles entre le visible et l'invisible : la cécité vue par Villiers de L'Isle-Adam et Lucien Descaves / Laura Staiano
Deschamps, Marie Anne Pagès, active 1730-1764. : Fille d'Opéra, vendeuse d'amour : histoire de Mademoiselle Deschamps (1730-1764), racontée d'après des notes de police et des documents inédits / Robert-Charles Yve-Plessis, Gaston Capon
Deschooling society Illich, Ivan, 1926-2002 : Rethinking Freire and Illich : historical, philosophical, and theological perspectives / edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Michael Attridge, and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar
Descimon, Robert -- Influence : Social relations, politics, and power in early modern France : Robert Descimon and the historian's craft / edited by Barbara B. Diefendorf
Descola, Philippe : History, Culture and Ethnography Jack Goody, Clifford James Geertz and Phillippe Descola
Descola, Philippe -- Interviews : The composition of worlds : interviews with Pierre Charbonnier / Philippe Descola ; translated by Ninon Vinsonneau and Jonathan Magidoff
Descola, Philippe -- Knowledge and learning : The composition of worlds : interviews with Pierre Charbonnier / Philippe Descola ; translated by Ninon Vinsonneau and Jonathan Magidoff
Descoqs, Pedro, 1877-1946. : Maurice Blondel, social Catholicism, & action française : the clash over the church's role in society during the modernist era / Peter J. Bernardi
Descorts : Giving voice to love : song and self-expression from the troubadours to Guillaume de Machaut / Judith A. Peraino
Descorts -- History and criticism : Giving voice to love : song and self-expression from the troubadours to Guillaume de Machaut / Judith A. Peraino