Dental anthropology -- Mexico : Antropología dental : aplicación en poblaciones prehispánicas / José Antonio Pompa y Padilla
Dental anthropology -- Pacific Area. : Craniofacial variation in Pacific populations : papers presented at a symposium Honolulu, Hawaii, May 30, 1991 / Edited by Tasman Brown and Stephen Molnar
Dental auxiliary personnel -- Psychology. : Building assertive skills : a practical guide to professional development for allied dental health providers / Judy C. Morton, Cheryl A. Richey, Michele Kellett
Small metal or ceramic attachments used to fasten an arch wire. These attachments are soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or cemented directly onto the teeth. Bowles brackets, edgewise brackets, multiphase brackets, ribbon arch brackets, twin-wire brackets, and universal brackets are all types of orthodontic brackets
Small metal or ceramic attachments used to fasten an arch wire. These attachments are soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or cemented directly onto the teeth. Bowles brackets, edgewise brackets, multiphase brackets, ribbon arch brackets, twin-wire brackets, and universal brackets are all types of orthodontic brackets
Treatment for the prevention of periodontal diseases or other dental diseases by the cleaning of the teeth in the dental office using the procedures of DENTAL SCALING and DENTAL POLISHING. The treatment may include plaque detection, removal of supra- and subgingival plaque and calculus, application of caries-preventing agents, checking of restorations and prostheses and correcting overhanging margins and proximal contours of restorations, and checking for signs of food impaction
Dental calculus. : Biomineralization : fundamentals, processes and potential applications / Carlos W. Brooks, editor