Demerara Insurgency Guyana : An authentic copy of the minutes of evidence on the trial of John Smith, a missionary, in Demerara held at the colony house, in George Town, Demerara, on Monday, the 13th day of October, 1823, and 27 following days; on a charge of exciting the negroes to rebellion. Copied verbatim, from a report as ordered to be printed, by the House of Commons, 22d of March, 1824. With an appendix, including the affidavit of Mrs. Jane Smith, the petition presented to the House of Commons, from the directors of the London Missionary Society, letters of Mr. John Smith, and other interesting documents
Demers, Dominique. : Something about the author. Volume 177 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Demeter (Greek deity) Cult -- See Also the narrower term Thesmophoria
Demeter (Greek deity) -- Cult. : The sanctuary's imperial architectural development, conflict with Christianity, and final days / Donald White ; with Joyce Reynolds
Demetz, Peter, 1922- : Prague in danger : the years of German occupation, 1939-45 : memories and history, terror and resistance, theater and jazz, film and poetry, politics and war / Peter Demetz
Demidov family. : Firenze ai Demidoff : relazione storica e descrittiva preceuduta da cenni biografici sui Demidoff che sino dal secolo XVII esisterono / Pratolino e S. Donato
Demilitarization (International law) : Demilitarisation and international law in context : the Åland Islands / Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Saila Heinikoskiand and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen