Demetz, Peter, 1922- : Prague in danger : the years of German occupation, 1939-45 : memories and history, terror and resistance, theater and jazz, film and poetry, politics and war / Peter Demetz
Demidov family. : Firenze ai Demidoff : relazione storica e descrittiva preceuduta da cenni biografici sui Demidoff che sino dal secolo XVII esisterono / Pratolino e S. Donato
Demilitarization (International law) : Demilitarisation and international law in context : the Åland Islands / Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Saila Heinikoskiand and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen
Demobilisatie. : The Veterans Charter and post-World War II Canada / edited by Peter Neary and J.L. Granatstein
Demobilisering. : Building better armies : an insider's account of Liberia / Sean McFate
Demobilization. : Security and post-conflict reconstruction : dealing with fighters in the aftermath of war / edited by Robert Muggah
Demobilization Afghan War, 2001-2021 Public opinion : Moving toward transition : a survey of opinion leaders in Southern Afghanistan as the United States begins its drawdown / Christian Dennys and the Peace Training and Research Organization