Deer -- Quality -- Australia. : Venison quality : the relationship of body condition score with consumer perception : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Robert Mulley ... [and others]
Deerhoof (Musical group) / : Contemporary musicians. Volume 50 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor
Deerslayer Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 : Novels for students. Volume 25 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Ira Mark Milne, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
Dees, Anthonij, 1928- : Distributions spatiales et temporelles, constellations des manuscrits : études de variation linguistique offertes à Anthonij Dees à l'occasion de son 60me anniversaire / textes présentés par Pieter van Reenen et Karin van Reenen-Stein = Spatial and temporal distributions, manuscript constellations : studies in language variation offered to Anthonij Dees on the occasion of his 60th birthday / edited by Pie er van Reenen and Karin van Reenen Stein
Deeskalation : Ansätze und Erfahrungen der Präventions- und Deradikalisierungsarbeit Aladin El-Mafaalani/Alma Fathi/Ahmad Mansour/Jochen Müller/Götz Nordbruch/Julian Waleciak
DEET-ATSIC Community Development Plann : Who's planning, whose plans? : the DEET-ATSIC Aboriginal Community Development Planning Pilot Scheme / Jackie Wolfe
Défaillance cardiaque. : Heart failure : a clinician's guide to ambulatory diagnosis and treatment / edited by Mariell L. Jessup, Evan Loh ; foreword, Robert O. Bonow
Défaillance cardiaque -- chirurgie. : Surgical management of congestive heart failure / edited by James C. Fang, Gregory S. Couper ; foreword by Lynne W. Stevenson
Défaillance multiviscérale -- prévention et contrôle. : Sepsis, kidney and multiple organ dysfunction : proceedings of the Third International Course on Critical Care Nephrology, Vicenza, June 1-4, 2004 / volume editors, Claudio Ronco, Rinaldo Bellomo, Alessandra Brendolan