Deeltjesmechanica. : Particles and waves : historical essays in the philosophy of science / Peter Achinstein
Deelwoorden. : Clause combining in ancient Greek narrative discourse : the distribution of subclauses and participial clauses in Xenophon's Hellenica and Anabasis / by Michel Buijs
Deep Brain Stimulation -- ethics. : Implanted minds : the neuroethics of intracerebral stem cell transplantation and deep brain stimulation / Heiner Fangerau, Jörg M. Fegert, Thorsten Trapp, eds
Therapy for MOVEMENT DISORDERS, especially PARKINSON DISEASE, that applies electricity via stereotactic implantation of ELECTRODES in specific areas of the BRAIN such as the THALAMUS. The electrodes are attached to a neurostimulator placed subcutaneously
Deep diving -- Australia. : Australia down under : exploring Australia's underwater world / written by Christine A. Deacon ; photographs by Kevin Deacon
Deep diving -- Australia -- Safety measures. : Joint draft national regulatory model and draft national code of practice for occupational diving (revision of AS 2299-1992) : a public discussion paper / National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Standards Australia