Debswana Diamond Company. / : The Private Sector Responds to the Epidemic : Debswana - A Global Benchmark
Debt -- Africa, Central -- Econometric models : The choice between external and domestic debt in financing budget deficits : the case of Central and West African countries / Philippe Beaugrand, Boileau Loko, and Montfort Mlachila
Debt -- Africa, West -- Econometric models : The choice between external and domestic debt in financing budget deficits : the case of Central and West African countries / Philippe Beaugrand, Boileau Loko, and Montfort Mlachila
Debt and hoarding : A history of the greenbacks, with special reference to the economic consequences of their issue : 1862-65 / by Wesley Clare Mitchell
Debt -- Argentina -- History : Unconstitutional Regimes and the Validity of Sovereign Debt : a Legal Perspective
Here are entered works on a debt relief arrangement whereby a firm, usually foreign, purchases sovereign debt in a country's secondary market. The issuing country then buys back the debt in local currency and specifies how the firm is to use the proceeds, usually to finance a fixed equity investment
Debt -- Cabo Verde : Cape Verde : eight review under the policy support instrument : staff report, press release / prepared by the African Dept., in consultation with other departments
Debt -- Canada. : The evidence of Major C. H. Douglas : before the Select Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce on Bill no. 83, an act respecting banks and banking, and on the resolution of Mr. Irvine, M.P., re the business, function and control of financial credit, etc
Debt cancellation -- Case studies : Rethinking sovereign debt : politics, reputation, and legitimacy in modern finance / Odette Lienau
Debt cancellation -- Latin America : Por una condonación de la deuda pública externa de América Latina / Franz J. Hinkelammert, Henry Mora Jiménez, Jorge Zúñiga M., William R. Hughes y Yamandú Acosta ; palabras preliminares de Enrique Dussel ; Grupo de Trabajo "Intelectuales, ideas y política"
Debt -- Congresses. : The structure and resilience of the financial system : proceedings of a conference held at the H.C. Coombs Centre for Financial Studies, Kirribilli on 20-21 August 2007 / editors, Christopher Kent, Jeremy Lawson
debt consolidation. : World of work report 2012 : better jobs for a better economy / International Labour Office, International Institute for Labour Studies
Debt equity conversion -- China : Debt equity conversions and NPL securitization in China : some initial considerations / James Daniel, José Garrido, Marina Moretti