Here are entered works on measures taken to prevent the accidental or deliberate loss of, damage to, or unauthorized access to data within electronic data processing systems
A plan for collecting and utilizing data so that desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision or so that an hypothesis can be tested properly
Data Science Computers : A matter of trust : building integrity into data, statistics and records to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals / edited by Anne Thurston
Protective measures against unauthorized access to or interference with computer operating systems, telecommunications, or accompanying data; especially the modification, deletion, destruction, or release of data in computers. It includes methods of forestalling interference by computer viruses or computer hackers aiming to compromise stored data
Subject matter related to the curation of data from research projects, stored permanently in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing
Data sets -- Industrial applications -- Congresses : 23 no sentan jirei ga tsunagu keisan kagaku no furontia : keisan de monogoto o rikaisuru, yosoku suru / hen Rikagaku Kenkyūjo Nakamura Tokubetsu Kenkyūshitsu ; kanshū Nakamura Shin'ichirō, Makinouchi Akitake, Adachi Taiji, Sugimoto Manabu
Data sovereignty -- China : Quo Vadis, sovereignty? : new conceptual and regulatory boundaries in the age of digital China / Marina Timoteo, Barbara Verri, Riccardo Nanni, editors