Dancers -- England -- London -- Drama : Wah! wah! girls : the musical : Britain meets Bollywood / Tanika Gupta ; in association with Hall for Cornwall ; part of World Stages London
Dancers -- Germany -- Correspondence. : Liebe Hanya : Mary Wigman's letters to Hanya Holm / compiled by edited by Claudia Gitelman ; with an introduction by Hedwig Müller ; letters translated by Marianne Forster and Catherine T. Klingler ; additional translation by Shelley Frisch and Joanna Ratych
Dancers -- Germany -- Interviews : Christian Spuck : I don't want to live in my own little world / performed by Christian Spuck ; produced by Drew Jacoby and Josh Martens
Dancers -- Japan -- Biography. : Kazuo Ohno's world from without and within / Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno ; introduction by Toshio Mizohata ; translated by John Barrett
Dancers -- Oregon -- Biography : Supernumeraries / directed by Sandra Smith ; performed by Diane Thomsen, Abby Spielman, Sandra Smith, Jennifer Roth, Robin Rifar, Mary Ann Mees, Debbie Mcduffee, Carol Mazer, Kathy Hammond, Jean Hammond, David Green, Jennifer Gates, Diane Bloom ; produced by Sandra Smith
Dancers -- Pakistan -- Drama : Joyland / All Caps ; Khoosat Films ; Extra Curricular Productions ; Left Handed ; Diversity Hire Ltd ; One Two Twenty Entertainment ; Blood Moon Creative Inc. ; Film Manufacturers Inc. ; Astrakan Film AB ; Noruz Films ; Vidhi Films ; Instinct Productions ; written & directed by Saim Sadiq ; produced by Apoorva Guru Charan, Sarmad Sultan Khoosat, Sabiha Sumar, Lauren Mann