The noninvasive measurement or determination of the partial pressure (tension) of oxygen and/or carbon dioxide locally in the capillaries of a tissue by the application to the skin of a special set of electrodes. These electrodes contain photoelectric sensors capable of picking up the specific wavelengths of radiation emitted by oxygenated versus reduced hemoglobin
The noninvasive measurement or determination of the partial pressure (tension) of oxygen and/or carbon dioxide locally in the capillaries of a tissue by the application to the skin of a special set of electrodes. These electrodes contain photoelectric sensors capable of picking up the specific wavelengths of radiation emitted by oxygenated versus reduced hemoglobin
A group of lymphomas exhibiting clonal expansion of malignant T-lymphocytes arrested at varying stages of differentiation as well as malignant infiltration of the skin. MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES; SEZARY SYNDROME; LYMPHOMATOID PAPULOSIS; and PRIMARY CUTANEOUS ANAPLASTIC LARGE CELL LYMPHOMA are the best characterized of these disorders
A group of lymphomas exhibiting clonal expansion of malignant T-lymphocytes arrested at varying stages of differentiation as well as malignant infiltration of the skin. MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES; SEZARY SYNDROME; LYMPHOMATOID PAPULOSIS; and PRIMARY CUTANEOUS ANAPLASTIC LARGE CELL LYMPHOMA are the best characterized of these disorders
Cuthbertson, Arch, 1924- : Survey 8 : an exhibition of four Geelong artists, May 29-June 28 1987 : Arch Cuthbertson, Pamela Irving, Michel Kemp, Graeme Rowe / Geelong Art Gallery
Cuthbertson, Arch, 1924- -- Exhibitions : Survey 8 : an exhibition of four Geelong artists, May 29-June 28 1987 : Arch Cuthbertson, Pamela Irving, Michel Kemp, Graeme Rowe / Geelong Art Gallery
Cuthbertson, Bern -- Travel -- Australia : In the wake of Bass and Flinders : 200 years on : the story of the re-enactment voyages 200 years on in the whaleboat Elizabeth and the replica sloop Norfolk to celebrate the bicentenary of the voyages of George Bass and Matthew Flinders / Bern Cuthbertson
A hard thin translucent layer of calcified substance which envelops and protects the dentin of the crown of the tooth. It is the hardest substance in the body and is almost entirely composed of calcium salts. Under the microscope, it is composed of thin rods (enamel prisms) held together by cementing substance, and surrounded by an enamel sheath. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286)
A hard thin translucent layer of calcified substance which envelops and protects the dentin of the crown of the tooth. It is the hardest substance in the body and is almost entirely composed of calcium salts. Under the microscope, it is composed of thin rods (enamel prisms) held together by cementing substance, and surrounded by an enamel sheath. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286)
Cutler, Ivor. : Something about the author. Volume 174 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. : Life, journals and correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL. D. / by his grandchildren, William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler
Cutler, Richard W : Counterspy : memoirs of a counterintelligence officer in World War II and the Cold War / Richard W. Cutler ; foreword by Joseph E. Persico