culturally sustainable. : Critical articulations of hope from the margins of arts education : international perspectives and practices / edited by Eeva Anttila and Anniina Suominen
Culture Africa Philosophy : In my father's house : Africa in the philosophy of culture / Kwame Anthony Appiah
Culture -- African Americans -- 20th century : African American Culture and Society After Rodney King : Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' / edited by Josephine Metcalf, Carina Spaulding
Culture -- African Americans -- 21st century : African American Culture and Society After Rodney King : Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' / edited by Josephine Metcalf, Carina Spaulding
Culture allemande. : The seduction of culture in German history / Wolf Lepenies
Culture amérindienne. : Spirit wars : Native North American religions in the age of nation building / Ronald Niezen ; with contributions by Manley Begay, Jr. [and others]
Culture and globalization -- Asia -- Congresses. : The challenges of globalization : cultures in transition in the pacific-asia region / edited by Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone, Rebecca A. Stephenson