The branch of science that deals with the geometric description of crystals and their internal arrangement. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Crystallography -- Technological innovations : Frontiers in crystalline matter : from discovery to technology / Committee for an Assessment of and Outlook for New Materials Synthesis and Crystal Growth ; Board on Physics and Astronomy ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; National Research Council of the National Academies
Here are entered works on fortune-telling by means of a trance induced by gazing at a crystal. Works on the use of crystals to develop psychic abilities are entered under Crystals--Psychic aspects
Crystals -- Congresses : Engineering of crystalline materials properties : state of the art in modeling, design and applications / edited by Juan J. Novoa, Dario Braga and Lia Addadi
Crystals -- Data processing : Crystal structure refinement : a crystallographers guide to SHELXL / Peter Müller [and four others] ; edited by Peter Müller