Crustacea -- Australia -- New South Wales. : Crustaceans, ancient, modern and mythical with notes on edible crustaceans of N.S.W. : being a lecture delivered to the Amateur Fishermen's Association of New South Wales on the 16th May, 1905 / by David G. Stead
Crustacea -- Australia -- Victoria -- Glenelg River : The biology of the freshwater crayfish, Euastacus bispinosus Clark (Decapoda : Parastacidae), and its management in the Lower Glenelg River drainage / Jodie Anne Hoey
Crustacea -- Behavior -- Australia -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the Workshop on Spawning Stock -Recruitment Relationships (SRRs) in Australian Crustacean Fisheries, Joondoburri Conference Centre, 1-3 June, 1994 / editors: A.J. Courtney and M.G. Cosgrove
Crustacea -- Effect of water pollution on. : Aquatic invertebrates as indicators to pollution-induced stress : validation of the locomotory behaviour of freshwater and marine crustaceans as response to sublethal heavy metal stress / Hubert Untersteiner
Crustacea -- Eggs. : Crustacean egg production / edited by Adrian Wenner & Armand Kuris
Crustacea -- Evolution -- Congresses. : Papers from the Conference on the Biology and Evolution of Crustacea, held at the Australian Museum, Sydney, 1980 / edited by James K. Lowry
Crustacea -- Feeding and feeds -- Extrusion -- Congresses. : Advances in extrusion technology : aquaculture/animal feeds and foods : proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal and Aquaculture Feedstuffs by Extrusion Technology and the International Seminar on Advanced Extrusion Technology in Food Applications, March 9-14, 1998, Áquas de Lindóia, São Paulo, Brazil / edited by Yoon Kil Chang, Shaw S. Wang
Crustacea, Fossil -- Sweden : Fossils and Strata, Morphology, Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Phosphatocopina (Crustacea) from the Upper Cambrian Orsten of Sweden