Cross-cultural aspects Medical policy : The political and social contexts of health / edited by Vicente Navarro ; editorial board, Carme Borrell ... [and others]
Health care services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients. The provider and the patient each bring their individual learned patterns of language and culture to the health care experience which must be transcended to achieve equal access and quality health care
Cross-Cultural Comparison -- Portugal : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Cross-Cultural Comparison -- Spain : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Comparison of various psychological, sociological, or cultural factors in order to assess the similarities or diversities occurring in two or more different cultures or societies
Cross-cultural counseling -- Germany : Mit denen setze ich mich nicht an einen Tisch! : Modelle von Streitvermittlung in multikulturellen Stadtgesellschaften / Christian Büttner, Elke Kronenberger, Elisabeth Stahl ; [herausgegeben zusammen mit dem Amt für Multikulturelle Angelegenheiten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main]
Cross-cultural counseling -- South Africa. : Multicultural counseling in a divided and traumatized society : the meaning of childhood and adolescence in South Africa / Joyce Hickson and Susan Kriegler ; foreword by Paul Pedersen
Cross-cultural orientation -- Evaluation -- Case studies. : Constructing data through qualitative interviews in multicultural and cross-cultural settings : development of cross-cultural competence in international business students / Natalie S. Mikhaylov