Crops -- Germplasm resources -- Africa -- Congresses. : Safeguarding the genetic basis of Africa's traditional crops : proceedings of a CTA/IBPGR/KARI/UNEP seminar, 5-9 October 1992, Nairobi, Kenya / edited by A. Putter
Crops -- Germplasm resources -- Congresses. : Safeguarding the genetic basis of Africa's traditional crops : proceedings of a CTA/IBPGR/KARI/UNEP seminar, 5-9 October 1992, Nairobi, Kenya / edited by A. Putter
Crops -- Growth -- Statistical methods : Working with dynamic crop models : evaluation, analysis, parameterization, and applications / edited by Daniel Wallach, David Makowski, James W. Jones
Crops -- Guyana : Le dragon de Guyane / un film de Philippe Rostan
Here are entered general works on harvesting machines and works on machines for cutting grain --subdivision Harvesting--Machinery under individual crops, e.g. Corn--Harvesting--Machinery
Crops -- Nutrition -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Integrated plant nutrient management in Sub-Saharan Africa : from concept to practice / edited by B. Vanlauwe [and others]
Crops -- Nutrition -- Australia. : Integrated nutrient management in farming systems in Southeast Asia and Australia : proceedings of an International Workshop held at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Vientane, Laos, 21-22 April, 1999 / editors: A.M. Whitbread and G.J. Blair
Crops -- Nutrition -- Australia -- Congresses. : Integrated nutrient management in farming systems in Southeast Asia and Australia : proceedings of an International Workshop held at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Vientane, Laos, 21-22 April, 1999 / editors: A.M. Whitbread and G.J. Blair
Crops -- Nutrition -- Latin America : Native crops in Latin America : biochemical, processing and nutraceutical aspects / edited by Ritva Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Principal Professor, Specialist in Andean crops, Centro de Investigación e Innovación en Productos Derivados de Cultivos, Andinos (CIINCA), Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Mabel Cristina Tomás, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos (CIDCA), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas (UNLP)-CONICET-CIC (Argentina)
Crops -- Nutrition -- Southeast Asia. : Integrated nutrient management in farming systems in Southeast Asia and Australia : proceedings of an International Workshop held at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Vientane, Laos, 21-22 April, 1999 / editors: A.M. Whitbread and G.J. Blair