Crisis management -- Romania : Romania : financial sector assessment program : technical note-macroprudential policy framework and tools / International Monetary Fund
Crisis management -- Russia : Russian Federation : technical note on crisis management and crisis preparedness frameworks / International Monetary Fund, Monetary and Capital Markets Dept., Legal Dept
Crisis management -- San Marino -- Finance : Republic of San Marino : 2016 Article IV consultation; press release; staff report; and statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of San Marino
Crisis management -- South Africa : Discovery Health and the allied benefits saga : underestimating the power of social media? / Leyland Pitt, Karen Robson
Crisis management -- Strategic aspects -- Evaluation : Shadow risk : what crisis simulations reveal about the dangers of deferring U.S. responses to China's gray zone campaign against Taiwan / by Benjamin Jensen, Bonny Lin, and Carolina G. Ramos
Crisis management -- Sweden : Large and complex financial institutions : challenges and policy responses : lessons from Sweden / prepared by R. Barry Johnston [and three others]