Crises -- Political aspects -- Asia : Human security and empowerment in Asia : beyond the pandemic / edited by Mely Caballero-Anthony, Yoichi Mine and Sachiko Ishikawa
Crises -- Social aspects -- Mediterranean Region : Languages of resistance, transformation, and futurity in Mediterranean crisis-scapes : from crisis to critique / Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen, Liesbeth Minnaard, editors
Crises -- South Sudan : South Sudan's civil war and conflict dynamics in the Red Sea / Payton Knopf
Crises -- Sweden -- History -- To 1500 : Environment, society and the Black Death : an interdisciplinary approach to the late-medieval crisis in Sweden / edited by Per Lagerås
Crises -- Tunisia : 60 Minutes. The Spark / produced by Draggan Mihailovic, Nathalie Sommer
Crises -- Ukraine : European identities during wars and revolutions : change under crises in Georgia and Ukraine / Salome Minesashvili
Crises -- United States : Crisis and disaster management for sport / Richard Shipway, Lee Miles and Richard Gordon
Crises -- Venezuela : Venezuela - dimensions of the crisis : a perspective on democratic backsliding / Miguel Angel Latouche, Wolfgang Muno, Alexandra Gericke, editors
Here are entered works on archaeological activity carried out at a site or sites scheduled for demolition, usually in connection with new construction, and entailing exploration, identification and assessment of archaeological remains and, where possible, their recovery and preservation
Chaotic concept of self wherein one's role in life appears to be an insoluble dilemma often expressed by isolation, withdrawal, rebellion and extremism
A direct communication system, usually telephone, established for instant contact. It is designed to provide special information and assistance through trained personnel and is used for counseling, referrals, and emergencies such as poisonings and threatened suicides