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Description De Gruyter e-books includes Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Design books.
Subject area Architecture and Built Environment
  Landscape Architecture
  Visual Arts
  Media, Communication and Creative Arts
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  deGruyter e-books


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Walter de Gruyter e-books Access for all : approaches to the built environment / Wolfgang Christ (ed.) ; with a foreword by Thomas Sieverts
Walter de Gruyter e-books Acoustics and sound insulation : principles, planning, examples / Eckard Mommertz
Walter de Gruyter e-books Adrian Frutiger - Typefaces : The Complete Works / Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm, Swiss Foundation Type and Typography
Walter de Gruyter e-books Alt & Neu
Walter de Gruyter e-books America / Constantin Boym
Walter de Gruyter e-books Architecture in Existing Fabric : Planning, Design, Building
Walter de Gruyter e-books The architecture of Richter & Dahl Rocha / with an essay by Jorge Francisco Liernur
Walter de Gruyter e-books The architect, the cook, and good taste / [concept and copy editing], Petra Hagen Hodgson, Rolf Toyka ; [translation, Michael Robinson ... and others] ; on behalf of the Academy of the Hesse Chamber of Architects and Town Planners
Walter de Gruyter e-books The art of precast concrete : colour texture expression / David Bennett
Walter de Gruyter e-books The Articulate Surface : Ornament and Technology in Contemporary Architecture
Walter de Gruyter e-books Barrier-free design : principles, planning, examples / Oliver Heiss, Christine Degenhart and Johann Ebe
Walter de Gruyter e-books Barthâelâemy-Griäno architectes : frameworks = trait pour trait / [traduction du franðcais áa l'anglais Brina Goldfarb ; textes de Stâephane Allaire, Philippe Barthâelâemy et Maryse Quinton ; traduction de l'anglais au franðcais Emilie Gourdet ; texte de Mohsen Mostafavi]
Walter de Gruyter e-books Become a successful designer : protect and manage your design rights internationally / Joachim Kobuss, Alexander Bretz, Arian Hassani
Walter de Gruyter e-books Beyond modernist masters : contemporary architecture in Latin America / Felipe Hernâandez
Walter de Gruyter e-books Bothe Richter Teherani / Klaus-Dieter Weiss
Walter de Gruyter e-books Brunet Saunier architecture : monospace & simplexity / écrit par Pascale Blin
Walter de Gruyter e-books Building design at Arup / [editors: Christian Schittich, Christian Brensing]
Walter de Gruyter e-books Building Europe : a history of European unification / Wilfried Roth ; translated by Robert F. Hogg
Walter de Gruyter e-books Building in Existing Fabric : Refurbishment, Extensions, New Design
Walter de Gruyter e-books Building integrated photovoltaics : a handbook / Simon Roberts & Nicolò Guariento