Contingency tables -- Computer programs. : Learn to use Fisher's exact test in SPSS with data from "Do states circumvent constitutional supermajority voting requirements to raise taxes?" (2018) / Christopher Wiesen
Contingency tables -- Study and teaching : Learn to use Fisher's exact test in SPSS with data from "Do states circumvent constitutional supermajority voting requirements to raise taxes?" (2018) / Christopher Wiesen
Contingent Pricing. : How important is the global financial cycle? : evidence from capital flows / by Eugenio Cerutti, Stijn Claessens and Andrew K. Rose
Contingent valuation -- Bibliography. : Contingent Valuation : A Comprehensive Bibliography and History / Richard T. Carson, University of California, San Diego, USA and University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Contingent valuation -- History. : Contingent Valuation : A Comprehensive Bibliography and History / Richard T. Carson, University of California, San Diego, USA and University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Contingent valuation -- Mathematical models : Environmental and resource valuation with revealed preferences : a theoretical guide to empirical models / by Nancy E. Bockstael and Kenneth E. McConnell
Continua. : Continuum mechanics through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : historical perspectives from John Bernoulli (1727) to Ernst Hellinger (1914) / Gerard A. Maugin
Continued fractions -- Congresses : Continued fractions : from analytic number theory to constructive approximation : a volume in honor of L.J. Lange : continued fractions, from analytic number theory to constructive approximation, May 20-23, 1998, University of Missouri-Columbia / Bruce C. Berndt, Fritz Gesztesy, editors
Continuidad : Regularity properties of functional equations in several variables / by Antal Járai
Here are entered works on planned communities that offer independent living, assisted living, and skilled care for older people under long-term contracts that guarantee life-long shelter and access to specified health services