Contingency tables -- Computer programs. : Learn to use Fisher's exact test in SPSS with data from "Do states circumvent constitutional supermajority voting requirements to raise taxes?" (2018) / Christopher Wiesen
Contingency tables -- Study and teaching : Learn to use Fisher's exact test in SPSS with data from "Do states circumvent constitutional supermajority voting requirements to raise taxes?" (2018) / Christopher Wiesen
Contingent Pricing. : How important is the global financial cycle? : evidence from capital flows / by Eugenio Cerutti, Stijn Claessens and Andrew K. Rose
Contingent valuation -- Bibliography. : Contingent Valuation : A Comprehensive Bibliography and History / Richard T. Carson, University of California, San Diego, USA and University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Contingent valuation -- History. : Contingent Valuation : A Comprehensive Bibliography and History / Richard T. Carson, University of California, San Diego, USA and University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Contingent valuation -- Mathematical models : Environmental and resource valuation with revealed preferences : a theoretical guide to empirical models / by Nancy E. Bockstael and Kenneth E. McConnell
Continua. : Continuum mechanics through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : historical perspectives from John Bernoulli (1727) to Ernst Hellinger (1914) / Gerard A. Maugin
Continued fractions -- Congresses : Continued fractions : from analytic number theory to constructive approximation : a volume in honor of L.J. Lange : continued fractions, from analytic number theory to constructive approximation, May 20-23, 1998, University of Missouri-Columbia / Bruce C. Berndt, Fritz Gesztesy, editors
Continuidad : Regularity properties of functional equations in several variables / by Antal Járai
Here are entered works on planned communities that offer independent living, assisted living, and skilled care for older people under long-term contracts that guarantee life-long shelter and access to specified health services
Housing arrangements for the elderly or aged, intended to foster independent living. The housing may take the form of group homes or small apartments. It is available to the economically self-supporting but the concept includes housing for the elderly with some physical limitations. The concept should be differentiated from HOMES FOR THE AGED which is restricted to long-term geriatric facilities providing supervised medical and nursing services