Constitutions -- Africa : The making, unmaking and remaking of Africa's independence and post-independence constitutions / Nicodemus Fru Awasom, Hlengiwe Portia Dlamini, editors
Constitutions -- Alabama : The Alabama state constitution / William H. Stewart ; foreword by Donald Patterson
Constitutions -- Australia -- Queensland. : Queensland Constitutional Review Commission : issues paper for the possible reform of and changes to the Acts and laws that relate to Queensland Constitution
Constitutions -- Belgium : Documents constitutionnels de la Belgique, du Luxembourg et des Pays-Bas 1789-1848 / textes présentés par Fred Stevens, Philippe Poirier, Peter A.J. van Den Berg = Constitutionele documenten van België, Luxemburg en Nederland 1789-1848 / geredigeerd door Fred Stevens, Philippe Poirier, Peter A.J. van Den Berg = Constitutional documents of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands 1789-1848 / edited by Fred Stevens, Philippe Poirier, Peter A.J. van Den Berg
The physical characteristics of the body, including the mode of performance of functions, the activity of metabolic processes, the manner and degree of reactions to stimuli, and power of resistance to the attack of pathogenic organisms
Constitutions -- Chile : Documentos constitucionales de Chile 1811-1833 / editado por Alan Bronfman = Constitutional documents of Chile 1811-1833 / edited by Alan Bronfman
Constitutions -- Colombia : Documentos constitucionales de Colombia y Panamá 1793-1853 / editado por Bernd Marquardt = Constitutional documents of Colombia and Panama 1793-1853 / edited by Bernd Marquardt
Constitutions -- Croatia : Hrvatski, slovenski i češki ustavni documenti 1818-1849 / urednici Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Hrvaški, slovenski in češki ustavni dokumenti 1818-1849 / uredniki Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Croatian, Slovenian and Czech constitutional documents 1818-1849 / edited by Dalibor Čepulo [and others]
Constitutions -- Czech Republic : Hrvatski, slovenski i češki ustavni documenti 1818-1849 / urednici Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Hrvaški, slovenski in češki ustavni dokumenti 1818-1849 / uredniki Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Croatian, Slovenian and Czech constitutional documents 1818-1849 / edited by Dalibor Čepulo [and others]
Constitutions -- Delaware : The Delaware state constitution / Randy J. Holland ; foreword by E. Norman Veasey
Constitutions -- Denmark : Forfatningsdokumenter fra Danmar, Norge og Sverige 1809-1849 / udgivet af Thomas Riis og Sönke Loebert ; Dag Michalsen ; Magnus Isberg = Konstitusjonelle documenter i Danmark, Norge og Sverige 1809-1849 / rediugert av Thomas Riis og Sönke Loebert ; Dag Michalsen ; Magnus Isberg = Constitutional documents of Denmark, Norway and Sweden 1809-1849 / edited by Thomas Riis and Sönke Loebert ; Dag Michalsen ; Magnus Isberg
Constitutions -- Design : Territory and power in constitutional transitions / edited by George Anderson and Sujit Choudhry
Constitutions -- France -- Corsica : Documents constitutionnels de la France, de la Corse et de Monaco 1789-1848 / edité par Stéphane Caporal, Jörg Luther, Oliver Vernier = Constitutional documents of France, Corsica and Monaco 1789-1848 / edited by Stéphane Caporal, Jörg Luther, Oliver Vernier