Constitutional law -- Wyoming : The Wyoming state constitution / Robert B. Keiter and Tim Newcomb ; foreword by Mike Sullivan
Constitutional law -- Xiangfen Xian (China) : Countdown to 1997 : report of a mission to Hong Kong / by Sir William Goodhart ... [and others] on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists
Constitutional lawo -- Australia : Constitutional perspectives on an Australian republic : essays in honour of Professor George Winterton / editor Sarah Murray
Here are entered works about constitutions or constitutional law. Collections of constitutions or texts of individual constitutions are entered under Constitutions
Here are entered works on citizens' rights as established by law and protected by constitution. Works on the rights of persons regardless of their legal, socioeconomic or cultural status and as recognized by the international community are entered under Human rights --subdivision Civil rights under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Here are entered works about constitutions or constitutional law. Collections of constitutions or texts of individual constitutions are entered under Constitutions
Constitutionnalisme -- Congrès. : Constitutionalism and democracy : transitions in the contemporary world : the American Council of Learned Societies comparative constitutionalism papers / edited by Douglas Greenberg [and others]
Constitutions -- Africa : The making, unmaking and remaking of Africa's independence and post-independence constitutions / Nicodemus Fru Awasom, Hlengiwe Portia Dlamini, editors
Constitutions -- Alabama : The Alabama state constitution / William H. Stewart ; foreword by Donald Patterson