Constitutional history -- Nebraska : The Nebraska state constitution / Robert D. Miewald and Peter J. Longo ; foreword by Robert M. Spire
Constitutional history -- Nepal : Constitutional nationalism and legal exclusion : equality, identity politics, and democracy in Nepal (1990-2007) / Mara Malagodi
Constitutional history -- Nevada : Official report of the debates and proceedings in the Constitutional Convention of the state of Nevada : assembled at Carson City, July 4th, 1864, to form a constitution and state government / Andrew J. Marsh, official reporter
Constitutional history -- Nicaragua : The Nicaraguan Constitution of 1987 : English translation and commentary / edited by Kenneth J. Mijeski
Constitutional history -- Nigeria : Peacebuilding, constitutionalism and the global south the case for cognitive justice plurinationalism / Kajit J Bagu (John Paul)
Constitutional history -- Ohio : The Ohio State Constitution / Steven H. Steinglass and Gino J. Scarselli ; foreword by Honorable Maureen O'Connor (second edition) ; foreword by Honorable Thomas J. Moyer (first edition)
Constitutional history -- Panama : Documentos constitucionales de Colombia y Panamá 1793-1853 / editado por Bernd Marquardt = Constitutional documents of Colombia and Panama 1793-1853 / edited by Bernd Marquardt
Constitutional history -- Pennsylvania -- Sources : The excellent priviledge of liberty and property : being a reprint and facsimile of the first American edition of Magna charta, printed in 1687 / under the direction of William Penn by William Bradford
Constitutional history -- Peru : Constitución política del Perú 1993 : comentarios, reformas, índice analítico : incluye reformas aprobadas en referendum constitucional del 9 de diciembre de 2018 / [editado por] César Landa Arroyo
Constitutional history -- Portugal : Holland House and Portugal, 1793-1840 : English Whiggery and the constitutional cause in Iberia / José Baptista de Sousa
Constitutional history -- Portugal -- 19th century. : On the liberty of the press, and public discussion, and other legal and political writings for Spain and Portugal / edited by Catherine Pease-Watkin and Philip Schofield
Constitutional history -- Saxe-Hildburghausen (Duchy) : Deutsche Verfassungsdokumente 1806-1849. Teil V, Nassau - Sachsen-Hildburghausen / herausgegeben von Werner Heun = German constitutional documents 1806-1849, part V : Nassau - Saxe-Hildburghausen / edited by Werner Heun
Constitutional history -- Scotland : Constituting Scotland : the Scottish national movement and the Westminster model / W. Elliot Bulmer
Constitutional history -- Slovakia : Czecho/Slovakia : ethnic conflict, constitutional fissure, negotiated breakup / Eric Stein ; with a foreword by Lloyd Cutter
Constitutional history -- Slovenia : Hrvatski, slovenski i češki ustavni documenti 1818-1849 / urednici Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Hrvaški, slovenski in češki ustavni dokumenti 1818-1849 / uredniki Dalibor Čepulo [and others] = Croatian, Slovenian and Czech constitutional documents 1818-1849 / edited by Dalibor Čepulo [and others]