Here are entered works on arbitration used to settle commercial disputes between enterprises from different nations, or between enterprises and nations, or between nations. Works on arbitration used to settle disputes between nations involving matters of public international law are entered under Arbitration (International law)
Conflict of laws -- Arbitration and award -- Europe : L'arbitre et le juge étatique : Études de droit comparé à la mémoire de Giuseppe Tarzia / Achille Saletti, Jacques van Compernolle, and Jean-François van Drooghenbroeck
Conflict of laws -- Arbitration and award -- India -- Congresses. : International arbitration and national courts : the never ending story / general editor, Albert Jan van den Berg ; with the assistance of the International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague
Conflict of laws -- Asia : Private international law in East Asia : from imitation to innovation and exportation / edited by Olivier Gaillard and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer
Conflict of laws -- Bankruptcy -- Law and legislation -- Germany. : Cross-border insolvency proceedings and security rights : a comparison of Dutch and German law, the EC Insolvency Regulation and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency / Paul Michael Veder
Conflict of laws -- Citizenship -- Great Britain : Two tracts, shewing that Americans, born before the independence, are, by the law of England, not aliens : first, a discussion, &c. : second, a reply, &c. / by a barrister