Here are entered works on preservation of digital materials. Works on transferring library materials to a digital format are entered under Library materials--Digitization. Works on transferring archival materials to a digital format are entered under Archival materials--Digitization
Computer files Copyright China : Rights limitation in digital age : reform of fair use in copyright law / Shaojun Liu ; translated by Shibao Wang, An Zhang, Hao Wang, and Jie Wang
Computer files Copyright Congresses : E-commerce and web technologies : 4th international conference, EC-Web 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2003 proceedings / Kurt Bauknecht, A. Min Tjoa, Gerald Quirchmayr (eds.)
Computer files Copyright Europe : On peers and copyright : why the EU should consider collective management of P2P / João Pedro Quintais
Computer files -- Law and legislation -- Germany : Ein Update für den Kernbereichsschutz. : Die Gefahr der Bildung von Persönlichkeitsprofilen bei der strafprozessualen Online-Durchsuchung / Von Catharina Pia Conrad
Computer fraud -- United States : Contested deployment : a US Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership integrated research project / Bert B. Tussing, John Eric Powell, Benjamin C. Leitzel
A form of interactive entertainment in which the player controls electronically generated images that appear on a video display screen. This includes video games played in the home on special machines or home computers, and those played in arcades