Commerce Portugal History 17th century : Portuguese intervention in the Manila Galleon Trade : the structure and networks of trade between Asia and America in the 16th and 17th centuries as revealed by Chinese ceramics and Spanish archives / by Etsuko Miyata
Commerce, Prehistoric -- California : Perspectives on prehistoric trade and exchange in California and the Great Basin / edited by Richard E. Hughes
Commerce, Prehistoric -- Congresses : Archaeological approaches to market exchange in ancient societies / edited by Christopher P. Garraty and Barbara L. Stark
Commerce, Prehistoric -- Eurasia -- Congresses : Interweaving worlds : systemic interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st millennia BC : Papers from a conference in memory of Professor Andrew Sherratt, What Would a Bronze Age World System Look Like? World systems approaches to Europe and western Asia 4th to 1st millenia BC / editors, Toby C. Wilkinson, Susan Sherratt and John Bennet
Commerce, Prehistoric -- Europe -- Congresses : Materials, productions, exchange network and their impact on the societies of neolithic Europe : proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1-7 September 2014, Burgos Spain). Volume 13, Session A25a / edited by Marie Besse and Jean Guilaine
Commerce, Prehistoric -- Great Basin : Perspectives on prehistoric trade and exchange in California and the Great Basin / edited by Richard E. Hughes
Commerce, Prehistoric -- Middle East : Archaeological perspectives on the transmission and transformation of culture in the Eastern Mediterranean / edited by Joanne Clarke
Commerce Produits agricoles Chine Congrès : Agriculture in China and OECD countries : past policies and future challenges / [Centre for Co-operation with Non-members]
Commerce -- Psychological aspects : Invisible game : the secrets and the science of winning minds and winning deals / Kai-Markus Mueller, Gabriele Rehbock
Commerce Pueblo (Indiens) Histoire : Farmers, hunters, and colonists : interaction between the Southwest and the southern plains / edited by Katherine A. Spielmann
Commerce Puerto Rico History : Economic history of Puerto Rico : institutional change and capitalist development / James L. Dietz
Commerce Punt Region Congresses : Flora trade between Egypt and Africa in antiquity : proceedings of a conference held in Naples, Italy, 13 April 2015 / edited by Ilaria Incordino and Pearce Paul Creasman
Commerce Qatar : Qatar's business environment / consultant editor, Philip McCrum ; editor, Habiba Anwar
Commerce Red Sea Coast (Eritrea) History : The ancient Red Sea port of Adulis, Eritrea : results of the Eritro-British Expedition, 2004-5 / edited by David Peacock and Lucy Blue ; assisted by Darren Glazier ; illustrations by Julian Whitewright, Jillian Phillips and Penny Copeland