Command and control systems -- Canada : Networked operations and transformation : context and Canadian contributions / Allan English, Richard Gimblett, Howard G. Coombs
Command and control systems -- Management : Maturing defense support of civil authorities and the dual status commander arrangement through the lens of process improvement / Ryan Burke, Sue McNeil
Command and control systems -- Research : Strategy for an Army center for network science, technology, and experimentation / Committee on Strategies for Network Science, Technology, and Experimentation, Board on Army Science and Technology, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Command and control systems -- United States -- Evaluation : Information assurance for network-centric naval forces / Committee on Information Assurance for Network-Centric Naval Forces, Naval Studies Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Command languages : IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, Second Edition : Over 100 hands-on recipes to sharpen your skills in high-performance numerical computing and data science in the Jupyter Notebook
Here are entered works on the quality, power, or ability to lead others founded upon the prestige of position or upon ability and qualities of character. Works on the exercise of military leadership and power of decision by a commander over his subordinates by virtue of authority, rank, and responsibility are entered under Command of troops
Command of troops -- Cross-cultural studies : Die Rückkehr der "grossen Männer" : Staatsmänner im Krieg : ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich = Bringing personality back in : leadership and war : a British-German comparison, 1740-1945 / herausgegeben von/edited by Brendan Simms und Karina Urbach