Coca industry -- Peru -- Econometric models : The relationship between illicit coca production and formal economic activity in Peru / Peter Pedroni, Concepcion Verdugo Yepes
Cocaanbau : Between the guerrillas and the state : the cocalero movement, citizenship, and identity in the Colombian Amazon / María Clemencia Ramírez ; translated by Andy Klatt
Cocaine abuse -- Pathophysiology : Cocaine abuse : behavior, pharmacology, and clinical applications / [edited by] Stephen T. Higgins, Jonathan L. Katz
Cocaine abuse -- Physiological aspects. : Cocaine abuse : behavior, pharmacology, and clinical applications / [edited by] Stephen T. Higgins, Jonathan L. Katz
Cocaine abuse -- Psychological aspects. : Cocaine abuse : behavior, pharmacology, and clinical applications / [edited by] Stephen T. Higgins, Jonathan L. Katz
Cocaine -- Australia. : Models of intervention and care for psychostimulant users / written by Greg Kamieniecki ... [and others] ; with contributions by Robert Ali ... [and others]
The purified, alkaloidal, extra-potent form of cocaine. It is smoked (free-based), injected intravenously, and orally ingested. Use of crack results in alterations in function of the cardiovascular system, the autonomic nervous system, the central nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. The slang term "crack" was derived from the crackling sound made upon igniting of this form of cocaine for smoking