Coarse fishes : Fishing for buffalo : a guide to the pursuit and cuisine of carp, suckers, eelpout, gar, and other rough fish / Rob Buffler and Tom Dickson
Coarse fishes -- United States : Fishing for buffalo : a guide to the pursuit and cuisine of carp, suckers, eelpout, gar, and other rough fish / Rob Buffler and Tom Dickson
Coarse fishing : Fishing for buffalo : a guide to the pursuit and cuisine of carp, suckers, eelpout, gar, and other rough fish / Rob Buffler and Tom Dickson
Coarse fishing -- United States : Fishing for buffalo : a guide to the pursuit and cuisine of carp, suckers, eelpout, gar, and other rough fish / Rob Buffler and Tom Dickson
Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE
Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE
Coarse woody debris. : Coarse woody debris in Australian forest ecosystems : a report for the National Greenhouse Strategy, Module 6.6 (Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management), April 2002 / G. Woldendorp, R.J. Keenan and M.F. Ryan
Coarse woody debris -- Measurement. : An Analysis of sampling methods for coarse woody debris in Australian forest ecosystems : a report for the National Greenhouse Strategy, Module 6.6 (Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management) / G. Woldendorp ... [and others]
coast. : Maritime Strategy and Sea Denial : Theory and Practice
Coast Action (Program) -- Periodicals. / : Coast line : the Coast Action community program newsletter / Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Coast changes -- Africa, North : Blue Skies, Blue Seas Air Pollution, Marine Plastics, and Coastal Erosion in the Middle East and North Africa
Coast changes -- Alaska -- Newtok : Losing Alaska / a film by Tom Burke ; a Marcie Films Production ; produced by Jessie Fisk, Alan Maher
Coast changes -- Asia : Coastal environments : focus on Asian regions / edited by V. Subramanian
Coast changes -- Atlantic Coast (North America) -- History : The archaeology of human-environmental dynamics on the North American Atlantic coast / edited by Leslie Reeder-Myers, John A. Turck, and Torben C. Rick ; foreword by Victor D. Thompson
Coast changes -- Australia -- Congresses. : The coast, the ocean and man : third Australian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Melbourne, April 18-21, 1977
Coast changes -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) : The origin of beach sediments in Port Phillip Bay. Geological and geomorphological evolution of Port Phillip Bay. Effects of sea level rise in Port Phillip Bay : reports / by Eric C.F. Bird
Coast changes -- Australia -- Victoria. : Coastal processes and the sanding of Warrnambool Harbour : definition of coastal processes, quantification of sand erosion/deposition and the reason for the sanding up of the harbour at Warrnambool, S.W. Victoria, Australia / by Edmund D. Gill
Coast changes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Warrnambool : Coastal processes and the sanding of Warrnambool Harbour : definition of coastal processes, quantification of sand erosion/deposition and the reason for the sanding up of the harbour at Warrnambool, S.W. Victoria, Australia / by Edmund D. Gill
Coast changes -- Australia -- Warrnambool (Vic.) : Coastal processes and the sanding of Warrnambool Harbour : definition of coastal processes, quantification of sand erosion/deposition and the reason for the sanding up of the harbour at Warrnambool, S.W. Victoria, Australia / by Edmund D. Gill
Coast changes -- California, Southern : Surf, sand, and stone : how waves, earthquakes, and other forces shape the Southern California coast / Keith Heyer Meldahl
Coast changes -- Developing countries. : Potential impacts of accelerated sea-level rise on developing countries / edited by, Robert J. Hicholls, Stepehen P. Leatherman
Coast changes -- Effect of human beings on -- Congresses : Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2009 : impacts of human activities on dynamic coastal processes ; Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 September 2009 / edited by Masaru Mizuguchi, Shinji Sato