Frontmatter -- Table of contents -- 1. How do we guarantee that laboratory results are correct? The impact of laboratory quality control on patient safety -- 2. The elements of a conventional quality control protocol -- 3. Quality control based on patient data -- 4. Quality control in specific laboratory departments -- 5. External quality assessment/proficiency testing in clinical laboratories -- 6. Laboratory quality control and proficiency testing in reference documents -- 7. Practical situations in laboratory quality control -- 8. The future of laboratory quality control -- 9. Sixty-five key messages in laboratory quality control -- Glossary -- Index
"Every clinical laboratory devotes considerable resources to Quality Control. Recently, the advent of concepts such as Analytical Goals, Biological Variation, Six Sigma and Risk Management has generated a renewed interest in the way to perform QC. The objective of this book is to propose a roadmap for the application of an integrated QC protocol that ensures the safety of patient results in the everyday lab routine"--Provided by publisher