Civilisation Grèce Influence 19e siècle Congrès : Historiographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : les histoires anciennes dans l'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles / édité par Chryssanthi Avlami, Jaime Alvar et Mirella Romero Recio
Civilisation -- Histoire -- Histoire. : The global condition : conquerors, catastrophes and community / William H. McNeill ; with a new foreword by J.R. McNeill
Civilisation -- Irak -- Jusqu'à 634. : Patients and performative identities at the intersection of the Mesopotamian technical disciplines and their clients / edited by J. Cale Johnson with the assistance of Marie Lorenz
Civilisation Irak Moyen âge : Riches hidden in secret places : ancient Near Eastern studies in memory of Thorkild Jacobsen / edited by Tzvi Abusch
Civilisation islamique -- Congrès. : L'Islam et l'Occident : biopsies d'un dialogue / sous la direction de Lise Garon, Azzedine G. Mansour et El-Mostafa Chadli
Civilisation Italie : Itinerarium Italicum : the profile of the Italian renaissance in the mirror of its European transformations : dedicated to Paul Oskar Kristeller on the occasion of his 70th birthday / ed. by Heiko A. Oberman with Thomas A. Brady, Jr
Civilisation Japon 21e siècle : Modern Japan : origins of the mind : Japanese traditions and approaches to contemporary life / Alexander Prasol
Civilisation Japon 794-1185 : Imagining exile in Heian Japan : banishment in law, literature, and cult / Jonathan Stockdale
Civilisation Japon 1600-1868 : Edo Culture : daily life and diversions in urban Japan, 1600-1868 / Nishiyama Matsunosuke ; translated and edited by Gerald Groemer
Civilisation Japon 1868- : Nationalisms of Japan : managing and mystifying identity / Brian J. McVeigh