City planning -- Europe -- Congresses. : The European city : architectural interventions and transformations / edited by Francois Claessens, Leen van Duin
City planning -- Europe -- Designs and plans : Uropean urbėniti / [editors in chief, Bernd Vlay, Paul Rajakovics, Marko Studen ; authors/contributors: Jachen Becker and others]
City planning -- Europe -- Designs and plans -- Catalogs : Reconnections : Europan 11 results / head of publication, Didier Rebois ; authors, Mathieu Delorme, José María Ezquiaga, Oliver Schulze, Enrique Sobejano, Chris Younès
City planning -- Europe, Northern : A guidebook for riverside regeneration : Artery - transforming riversides for the future / Frank Bothmann [and others]
City planning -- Europe, Southern -- History : Interurban knowledge exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870-1950 edited by Eszter Gantner, Heidi Hein-Kircher, Oliver Hochadel
City planning -- Europe, Western : Contemporary co-housing in Europe : towards sustainable cities? / edited by Pernilla Hagbert, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Håkan Thörn and Cathrin Wasshede
City planning -- European Union countries -- Case studies : EU integrated urban initiatives : policy learning and quality of life impacts in Spain / Clemente J. Navarro Yáñez, María Jesús Rodriguez Garcia, María José Guerrero-Mayo, editors
City planning -- France -- Colonies : Architecture and urbanism in the French Atlantic Empire : state, Church, and society, 1604-1830 / Gauvin Alexander Bailey