Cities and towns -- Slavic countries : Podoby a proměny města ve slovanských a vybraných neslovanských kulturách, literaturách a jazycích / Michal Przybylski - Josef Šaur a kolektiv
Cities and towns -- Slavic countries -- History : Podoby a proměny města ve slovanských a vybraných neslovanských kulturách, literaturách a jazycích / Michal Przybylski - Josef Šaur a kolektiv
Cities and towns -- Social aspects -- Latin America -- Congresses : Ciudades latinoamericanas : la cuestión social y la gobernanza local : antología esencial / Alicia Ziccardi ; compilación, estudio introductorio y edición al cuidado de María Mercedes Di Virgilio ; prólogo de Manuel Castells
Cities and towns -- Social conditions -- Congresses : Cities' identity through architecture and arts proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cities' Identity through Architecture & Arts, Cairo, Egypt, 11-13 May 2017 / editors, Anna Catalani, Adolf Sotoca, [and 6 others]
Cities and towns -- Somalia -- Growth : Precarious urbanism : displacement, belonging and the reconstruction of Somali cities / Jutta Bakonyi and Peter Chonka
Cities and towns -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses. : Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as text : urban landscapes, cultural documents, and interpretative experiences / [edited by] Robbie B.H. Goh, Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Cities and towns -- Southern Hemisphere : Urban space : experiences and reflections from the global south / Jaime Hernández-García, Sabina Cárdenas-O'Byrne, Adolfo García-Jerez & Beau B. Beza, editors, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Art, Architecture & Design Department