Church history -- 7th century -- Sources : Conflict and negotiation in the early church : letters from late antiquity, translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac / Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil
Church history -- 14th century -- Congresses : Papst Johannes XXII : Konzepte und Verfahren seines Pontifikats, Freiburger Colloquium 2012 / herausgegeben von Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Martin Rohde
Church history -- 19th century -- History. : The church in a secularised society / by Roger Aubert ... [and others] ; the French texts of Roger Aubert, J. Bruhls and J. Hajjar were translated by Janet Sondheimer ; the ill. were selected and annotated by Peter Ludlow
Church history Africa 19th century : "To give publicity to our thoughts" : Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit = Journals of Asian and African Christians around 1900 and the making of a transregional Indigenous-Christian public sphere / herausgegeben von / edited by Klaus Koschorke, Adrian Hermann, Frieder Ludwig & Cirprian Burlacioiu
Church history Africa, East : The East African Revival : history and legacies / edited by Kevin Ward, Emma Wild-Wood
Church history Africa, East 20th century : Ethnic patriotism and the East African Revival : a history of dissent, c. 1935 to 1972 / Derek R. Peterson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Church history Africa, North Sources : Epistolae Plenae : the correspondence of the bishops of Hispania with the bishops of Rome : third through seventh centuries / by Alberto Ferreiro