Church growth -- Africa : Modeling servant-leaders for Africa : lessons from St. Paul / Ndung'u John Brown Ikenye
Church growth -- Anglican Church. : The science of congregation studies : searching for signs of growth / Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear, editors
Church growth -- Biblical teaching : It can happen today! : principles of church growth from the book of Acts / G. Edwin Bontrager and Nathan D. Showalter ; foreword by C. Peter Wagner
Church growth -- United States : The gospel of church : how mainline Protestants vilified Christian socialism and fractured the labor movement / Janine Giordano Drake
Church historians -- Germany : Archeologies of confession : writing the German Reformation, 1517-2017 / edited by Carina L. Johnson, David M. Luebke, Marjorie E. Plummer, and Jesse Spohnholz
Church historians -- United States : Church history in an age of uncertainty : historiographical patterns in the United States, 1906-1990 / Henry Warner Bowden
Church -- Historiography -- 20th century : Church history in an age of uncertainty : historiographical patterns in the United States, 1906-1990 / Henry Warner Bowden
Church history -- 6th century. : John of Scythopolis and the Dionysian corpus : annotating the Areopagite / Paul Rorem and John C. Lamoreaux
Church history -- 6th century -- Sources : Conflict and negotiation in the early church : letters from late antiquity, translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac / Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil
Church history -- 7th century -- Sources : Conflict and negotiation in the early church : letters from late antiquity, translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac / Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil
Church history -- 14th century -- Congresses : Papst Johannes XXII : Konzepte und Verfahren seines Pontifikats, Freiburger Colloquium 2012 / herausgegeben von Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Martin Rohde