Persistent and reproducible chest discomfort usually precipitated by a physical exertion that dissipates upon cessation of such an activity. The symptoms are manifestations of MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA
Chronic toxicity testing -- Congresses. : Safety evaluation of certain food additives / prepared by the fifty-first meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
A nonspecific term used to describe transient alterations or loss of consciousness following closed head injuries. The duration of UNCONSCIOUSNESS generally lasts a few seconds, but may persist for several hours. Concussions may be classified as mild, intermediate, and severe. Prolonged periods of unconsciousness (often defined as greater than 6 hours in duration) may be referred to as post-traumatic coma (COMA, POST-HEAD INJURY). (From Rowland, Merritt's Textbook of Neurology, 9th ed, p418)
Here are entered works on the systematic process of assessing and delineating the future care needs and associated lifetime costs of catastrophically ill or injured individuals
Chronically ill -- Care -- Congresses : Cuidados al paciente crónico y gestión de casos en enfermería / Diego Ayuso Murillo, Encarnación Fernández del Palacio, Elvira Velasco Morillo (directores)
Chronically ill -- Care -- Europe. : Caring for people with chronic conditions : a health system perspective / Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee
Chronically ill children -- Education -- Israel : Guidelines for the Healthy Integration of the Ill Child in the Educational System : Experience from Israel / Yosefa Isenberg, translated by Asher Tarmon