Christian education -- Anecdotes. : Tools for teachers : a collection of anecdotes / illustrations, legends, etc., for teachers of Sunday schools, Bible classes, and the Boys' brigade / compiled and arranged by William Moodie
Christian education -- Asia : Explorations in Asian Christianity : history, theology, and mission / Scott W. Sunquist
Christian education -- Audio-visual aids. : Pictures and picture-making : a guide for graded Sunday school workers concerning the choice, use, and production of pictures / by E. Mildred Nevill
Christian education -- Australia -- Teaching methods : Beginners' and primary teachers' handbook : teaching notes on the beginners' and primary course of the graded lessons of Australia and New Zealand, July-December 1942
Here are entered general works on catechisms. Catechisms in a specific language are entered under Catechisms qualified by language, e.g. Catechisms, English --subdivision Catechisms under individual religions and denominations, e.g. Buddhism--Catechisms; Catholic Church--Catechisms
Christian education -- Great Britain : Songs of praise. Keswick (2015) / producers, Garry Boon, Karen Hannah, Charlotte Hindle, Pamela Hossick, Adam Purver, Karen Selway ; BBC Religion & Ethics production
Christian education -- History. : Catholic teacher preparation : historical and contemporary perspectives on preparing for mission / by Richard Rymarz, Leonardo Franchi
Christian education -- New Zealand. : Your Kingdom come : resources for prayer, study and preaching for Australians and New Zealanders .. / based on Bible passages with notes by Christian leaders from different countries and churches